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– Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++

The addition of artificial neural network computing to traditional pattern recognition has given rise to a new, different, and more powerful methodology that is presented in this interesting book. This is a practical guide to the application of artificial neural networks.
Geared toward the practitioner, Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++ covers pattern classification and neural network approaches within the same framework. Through the book's presentation of the underlying theory and numerous practical examples, readers gain an understanding that will allow them to make judicious design choices rendering neural application predictable and effective. The book provides an intuitive explanation of each method for each network paradigm. This discussion is supported by a rigorous mathematical approach where necessary.
C++ has emerged as a rich and descriptive means by which concepts, models, or algorithms can be precisely described. For many of the neural network models discussed, C++ programs are presented for the actual implementation. Pictorial diagrams and in-depth discussions explain each topic. Necessary derivative steps for the mathematical models are included so that readers can incorporate new ideas into their programs as the field advances with new developments. For each approach, the authors clearly state the known theoretical results, the known tendencies of the approach, and their recommendations for getting the best results from the method.
The material covered in the book is accessible to working engineers with little or no explicit background in neural networks. However, the material is presented in sufficient depth so that those with prior knowledge will find this book beneficial. Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++ is also suitable for courses in neural networks at an advanced undergraduate or graduate level. This book is valuable for academic as well as practical research.


  • Provides complete code that will assist experimental design
  • Unlike other books, this one covers neural network methodologies and details the pattern recognition problem
  • Allows readers to make a wiser design choice with a predictable and effective neural application
  • Written in a style accessible to both novices and experienced practitioners
  • Includes a 3.5″, IBM compatible, diskette containing the programs in the book


The addition of artificial neural network computing to traditional pattern recognition has given rise to a new, different, and more powerful methodology that is presented in this interesting book. This is a practical guide to the application of artificial neural networks.

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