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TechniTrader – Methodology Study Course Bundle 

This is our most popular course. It is the Benchmark course by which all other stock market trading courses are compared. The Stock Trading Course is designed to give you a complete stock trading training education that will set you apart from all other retail traders.

Our Stock Market Trading Course covers details not even mentioned in most courses. This set is backed by our lifetime student guidance team. This is a complete DVD home study course that allows you to learn at your own pace in your spare time. DVD courses offer the highest rate of retention of all educational platforms.

Course Contents

  • Step by step instruction on where to begin and what to do next 13 instructional DVD’s
  • Homework packet and a matching Homework DVD with chart evaluations to test your understanding.
  • Chart worksheet packet and instructions so you can apply the training to your own stocks
  • Buy signal and indicator review sheets for future reference and study
  • Tools and Setup Manual and 2 instructional DVDs that will guide you through the process of setting up your charting software, broker, simulator, and risk analysis tools
  • Settings disk: 12 chart templates to view charts and indicators identical to those used by her personal trading. ○7 scans used to determine Market Condition and to find strong stocks for your trading and investing ○Worksheet files so you can print and use all the worksheets explained in the training
  • Traders Journal – this is a necessary tool for all traders. Includes an appendix with detailed instruction on how to become proficient at determining market conditions and anticipating the trading environment for the next day.
  • 5 weeks of nightly email lessons with current day market information.
  • Email support – email us any questions you have as you apply your education to the simulator and live trading environments.
  • Bonus Study Guide Manual and 3 instructional DVDs
  • Exam and Answer Packet to test your course understanding
  • Traders Workbook for deeper stock analysis


Who would benefit from The Methodology Course?

Beginners: If you are brand new to the market and are trying to figure the stock market out all on your own but find everything confusing and frustrating, the Methodology Course will get you started on the right path to consistent success.

Part-Time Traders: For those of you who want to trade part-time and need a complete approach that works, the Methodology Course is your answer.

What do I get when I buy the Methodology Course?

Far more than you’d expect for the cost. This is not your everyday stock market course. It is a complete 3 Part Training Program that includes:

This is a Stock Market Training Course on DVD that comes with a printed manual that takes you logically through the Methodology Stock Market Trading Course, each chapter builds upon the previous chapter’s information.

The Course Outline has been developed around the principles used in colleges. A concept is explained in detail, graphics and charts are used to further explain the information, followed by classroom exercises, then a summary before going on.

This firmly cements the training and is easier to remember. The Methodology Course is filled with charts and diagrams and classroom exercises you do as you watch the DVDs. This hands-on training helps you to hone your new skills and gets you prepared faster.

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