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- The 50%

KEN ROBERTS By 1983, at age 31, I had finally learned how to make Dreams come true. Most importantly, I learned an eye-opening lesson: Goals and plans are actually self-sabotage! "Coincidentally," I met a California Deputy Sheriff who taught me to trade commodities (of which I knew virtually nothing). And then I was led to teach others how too, and my "World's Most Powerful Money Manual & Course" became legendary. Worth and Millionaire Magazine In 1997, WORTH magazine declared that "... has introduced more people to [commodities] than anyone in the universe." And in the process of teaching over 1 million people in more than 89 countries, with over 500 employees, my companies rose to the top of their fields in the world — and I paid over $55 million in PERSONAL income taxes alone! (All this would have never been on any "goal" list of mine!)

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