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Handbook on for Traders

The great Masters, the writers of the Scriptures, Talmud, Koran, Confucius, Buddha, Cicero, Livy, as well as Shakespeare, Goethe, Nietzsche and others (except Luther) propound in their writings nothing but ways and means to forecast future events. All these writings are in “Code Form” so that the public can’t understand a word. They study “the surface” and like it. They eat the shell. With this book on hand you may try for the nut proper. All you will have to do is to substitute various motions of the planets given here for the names found in these books. After a while you can actually see how these persons in the stories “wander around” through the Zodiac.Yes, there were many before us, 
who know the laws and knew them well! They were able to fool the public several thousand years already and this work should throw some light into their stories.

This book will become a rarity since the rules are laid bare. The works above mentioned have tremendous and wide distribution because they keep everything covered and only at great intervals does it happen that a serious student hits on the true meaning of them all. You have enough data on hand after completing this study to tackle these masters and find most of my rules explained in them.

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