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The Breakout Strategies Masterclass  (Video Courses Only)

The 'Breakout Strategies Masterclass' will teach you the proven 8-step process to build profitable breakout strategies, including:

The Breakout Strategies Masterclass

Module #1: PREPARE - Everything you need to get prepared for Breakout strategies development

Module #2: PROTOTYPE - Automating the process to generate an endless number of trading strategy candidates

  • Common approaches to designing and prototyping trading strategies and how to automate the process so you can create loads of breakout strategies quickly and efficiently,
  • Introduction to the proprietary BOS Smart Code that will help you create an endless number of trading strategies in many markets,
  • Step by step walk-through using the BOS Smart Code to generate breakout strategy candidates in just 5 minutes.

Module #3: SELECT - Selecting the best strategy candidates automatically using the BOS Tool

  • The exact selection criteria to choose the best breakout strategy candidates for further testing,
  • Introduction to the exclusive BOS Tool and how to use it to choose the best strategy candidates automatically with the click of a button,
  • How to “Strip” the BOS Smart Code with the BOS Tool to produce the full, final strategy code without even touching a piece of code,
  • How to fine-tune the D&P process to get more of the strategy candidates you want.

Module #4: PRE-VALIDATE - Finding and isolating only the best strategy candidates with true potential

  • How to quickly identify which strategy candidates have the most potential and are eligible for further robustness testing,
  • How to use the BOS Tool to automatically analyze and decide which strategy candidates pass the pre-validation step,
  • Practical step-by-step walkthrough of the entire pre-validation process so you can quickly do it yourself.

Module #5: VALIDATE - Extensive robustness testing through a new, proprietary way of assessing the results

  • How to run the proprietary 'Ring Analysis' technique to identify true levels of robustness,
  • Using the BOS Tool to automatically select which strategy candidates pass the validation step,
  • Practical step-by-step walkthrough of the entire validation process so you can quickly do it yourself. 

Module #6: STRESS-TEST & FINALIZE - Final robustness testing & completion of successful trading strategies

  • How to use 'Stress-testing' to really identify the best of the best strategies,
  • Using MAE Analysis to quickly determine the appropriate stop-loss for a breakout strategy, no more 'guess and test',
  • Practical step-by-step walkthrough of the stress-test & finalization processes.

Module #7: QUALIFY & CAPITALIZE - How to qualify the best strategies to start with and capitalize them properly

  • How to pick the most appropriate strategies (from many) to add to your trading account,
  • How to build and properly capitalize a portfolio of strategies so you don't blow up your account because it's too small,
  • Practical step-by-step walkthrough of the capitalization process.

Module #8: TRADE - Everything you need to know to start trading your best strategies live.

8 practical modules taking you step by step from introduction to implementation, Downloadable MP3 audio, transcripts, and slides for every lesson, Case studies, reports, cheat-sheets and strategy code, saving you valuable time and effort so you can start using it in your own trading right away.

 FREE Bonus #1: The 'BOS Tool' software (997 USD value)

Creating and assessing hundreds of breakout trading strategies can take a lot of time, even with the automated processes we share with you in the Masterclass.

Wouldn’t it be better to spend your time doing activities you love to do, enjoying your life rather than sitting in front of the computer 24/7?

That's why we've included another exclusive tool in the Breakout Strategies Masterclass - the BOS Tool.

The BOS Tool has been developed to automate the most intensive steps in the process, so you can easily get it done at the click of a button instead of wasting hours doing it manually.

Here are some of the functions the BOS Tool can do for you:

  • Design & Prototype - Automatically select the most appropriate candidates from the Design & Prototype process, based on exact rules, so you don't need to analyze the results of hundreds (or even thousands) of breakout strategies manually, it can all be done in seconds with the click of a mouse,
  • Validation - Automatically assess the results of the very tough Validation step and give you the final PASS or FAIL,
  • Code stripping - Once you've identified the strategy conditions, you need to assemble the strategy code using only the relevant sections of the BOS Smart Code. This could be a real pain if you had to go through hundreds of lines of code manually, but it's all automated for you with the BOS Tool,
  • And of course, it will automatically produce Easy Language code with Out-Of-Sample compiled equity (in other words, once you insert your strategy into the chart, it will start showing the Walk-Forward equity curve, compiled of Out-Of-Sample WFA intervals only).

This BOS Tool took almost a year to develop, test and fine-tune, but...'s going to make your trading life so much easier, saving you thousands of hours of time and effort so you can spend more time doing the activities you really love!

Plus, you get lifetime access and all future updates are FREE!

FREE Bonus #2: The 'BOS Smart Code' (2,028 USD value)

The 'BOS Smart Code' is the key to automated strategy development, just configure the settings and let your computer do the hard work.

In the Masterclass, you'll get extensive and fully disclosed Smart Code, pre-loaded with the best conditions and filters to create breakout strategies fast, plus some additional functionality not seen anywhere else, including:

Many of the ideas in the 'BOS Smart Code' are proprietary, original ideas from Tomas' own Hedge Fund and you won't find them anywhere else.

With the 'BOS Smart Code', you can literally be generating breakout trading strategies in just minutes!

FREE Bonus #3: 'Maximizing the longevity of breakout strategies' Coaching session (800 USD value)

One of the biggest issues with building trading strategies is that over time they start to lose their efficiency and then fail.

In this advanced coaching session, Tomas is going to share some of the latest proprietary research from his hedge fund that will help you maximize the efficiency of your breakout strategies and reduce the failure rate to be one of the lowest in the industry.

You won’t find this information anywhere else.

FREE Bonus #4: 'A 6-step process that will accelerate your results' Coaching session (800 USD value)

With the BOS Smart Code, you literally have the potential to build thousands of breakout strategies quickly, so how can you use it for more efficient and targeted strategy development?

In this advanced coaching session, Tomas shares a proven 6-step process to accelerate your results with the BOS Smart Code – the same process he uses in his own hedge fund.

After this advanced coaching session, you will be able to get results even faster and in more markets.

FREE Bonus #5: 'How to boost the performance of breakout strategies using “time-templates”' Coaching session (800 USD)

There are some proven, yet little known ‘secrets’ for boosting the performance of breakout strategies, that are often hidden from the majority of traders and used to shocking effect by the experienced traders “in the know”.

One of those ‘secrets’ is using time-templates.

If you use time-templates correctly, they can help you to reduce transaction costs, increase your average trade and overall performance results, avoid common periods of market madness, and improve your trade execution on entry and exit.

In this coaching session, you’ll discover all of this (plus much more) so you can incorporate this performance-boosting secret into your breakout strategies fast and effortlessly.

Also included in this bonus: A complete report of Instrument Volume Maps (downloadable PDF), so you can quickly and easily determine the best Futures markets and time-templates for you to use.

FREE Bonus #6: '4 Powerful Ways to Smash Through False Breakouts' Coaching session (800 USD value)

One of the most common worries of many breakout traders are false breakouts, also often called “fakeouts”. These are breakouts that reverse direction very soon after entering the market, directly towards your stop-loss.

In this coaching call recording Tomas will share with you:

  • 4 powerful ways to deal with false breakouts (fakeouts)
  • Exact, actionable steps for very fast results
  • 5 open, downloadable code examples you can use in your trading strategies right away

This session alone can potentially save you much more money than the price of the Masterclass itself!

During this session, Tomas will also go through some of the most recent breakout masterclass students work.

FREE Bonus #7: ‘Success case study: How Andrew Swanscott created 700+ breakout strategies using the Masterclass framework’ Coaching session (800 USD value)

There is no better way to prove the power of the Breakout Masterclass framework than through real-life case studies. This is going to be a very special coaching session, during which Andrew will reveal his own success with the Masterclass.

In this coaching call recording Andrew will share with you:

  • How he created 700+ breakout trading strategies using the Masterclass process,
  • A walk-through of some of his top strategies,
  • What breakout components and timeframes have been working best for him and in which markets,
  • The direction he used to automate the entire Masterclass process, so he builds strategies while he sleeps!

During this session, Tomas will provide a lot of valuable feedback on Andrew’s work that will give you even deeper insights into improving your own strategy development.

 FREE Bonus #8 (upcoming): ‘How to extend the BOS Smart Code quickly and easily’ Coaching session (800 USD value)  

Are you ready for literally UNLIMITED strategy creation possibilities?

Although the ‘BOS Smart Code’ is the only code you will ever need to develop plenty of amazing, powerful and truly robust breakout trading strategies, a lot of students still keep asking us, “how can we extend the Smart Code with even more ideas?”

In this session, Tomas will share with you the best way to extend the Smart Code and create unlimited possibilities beyond your imagination.

You will discover:

  • How to get new, fresh trading ideas,
  • The easiest way to implement them into the ‘BOS Smart Code’,
  • How to structure the ‘BOS Smart Code’ with your new ideas,
  • Potential pitfalls to avoid when implementing new trading logic and ideas.

With the ability to extend the ‘BOS Smart Code’ anytime, you’ll be able to keep coming up with new and fresh breakout strategies for many years to come.

FREE Bonus #9 (upcoming): ‘How to dramatically reduce drawdowns by implementing Market Internals into the BOS framework’ Coaching session (800 USD value)  

No trader loves drawdowns...

But fortunately, there are ways to reduce them significantly, sometimes by up to half and even more!

In this coaching session, Tomas will take an existing breakout trading strategy and dramatically reduce its drawdown by implementing Market Internals techniques.

You will see the whole process step-by-step, plus you’ll discover how you can do the same with your own breakout strategies.

In this coaching call you’ll discover how to:

  • Make your best breakout trading strategies even better,
  • Dramatically reduce the drawdowns of your trading strategies while also improving their overall quality and performance,
  • Apply this unfair trading advantage that few traders actually know how to use properly.

Goodbye nasty drawdowns!

FREE Bonus #10 (upcoming): ‘The math behind successful Breakout Trading for sustained performance’ Coaching session (800 USD value)

After all the greatest and latest breakout tricks, tips, hacks, and techniques you’ll learn, it’s time to get back to the basics!

In this coaching session, Tomas will discuss important fundamentals to stay a profitable breakout trader for a long time, including:

  • Probabilities - the way to make money in trading,
  • The Importance and effect of Risk-To-Reward Ratio,
  • The impact of correlations on profit distributions.

You will also receive some handy Excel spreadsheets in this coaching session too.

This will be a fun session and will give you even more understanding that it doesn’t take much to give yourself a high chance of staying in the trading business for a really long time!

FREE Bonus #12: Market Internals Quick Start Course (397 USD value)

Imagine you possess not only the know-how how to build truly robust strategies that work in live trading, but also a unique know-how to reduce the drawdowns of your trading strategies significantly.

Wouldn't that be the perfect mix, helping you to achieve extraordinary results?

With this bonus, you will discover a new approach that can help you to get even better trading results – fast.

Here is what you’ll find in the ‘Market Internals Quick Start’ course:

  • Introduction to Market Internals. What is it and how it can help to significantly improve the performance of your trading strategies fast.
  • Market Internals case studies. Exact BEFORE / AFTER Market Internals case studies, showing what can be achieved when Market Internals is implemented the right way.
  • Mini “Smart Code” (EasyLanguage and pdf formats). This “Smart Code” helps you start testing Market Internals with your strategies right away, just plug-in your strategy and go!
  • “How to apply the Mini Smart Code to your trading strategies” instructional video. An exact step-by-step explanation so you can begin testing fast.
  • Recorded Q&A session with an exact step-by-step example of a Market Internals application. This session also includes some additional questions and answers regarding Market Internals implementation.
  • Audio, transcripts and presentation files for immediate download.

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