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Brian Dean – SEO That Works 4.0 (2020)

How To Rank A Website That Generates Traffic, Sales & Customers 24/7 – The Secret Behind Sites That Zoom to the First Page (And Actually Stay There)

Let me know if this has ever happened to you:

You’re checking out the first page competition for one of your target keywords and you see one, two or maybe even five sites that have no business ranking above you.

That’s when you think to yourself, “How did THEY manage to rank above me? My content and backlinks are SO MUCH better than theirs.”

Even though you don’t have x-ray vision to peek inside the inner workings of their business, you just KNOW that they’re generating high-paying clients, profitable product sales, and lucrative commissions around the clock.


That’s exactly why I’m writing to you today.

You see, when someone ranks on the first page of Google for a competitive keyword there’s no magic or luck involved.

You may not be able to see it, but there’s almost always something behind the scenes that propels them to the first page (and the landslide of traffic that a top ranking brings with it).


Once you understand these 3 secrets, generating traffic becomes as simple as following a step-by-step recipe.

Just follow the steps and you’re set.

Take a second and think about what it would be like to have a step-by-step plan for generating targeted traffic…

A plan that showed you how to publish content that you KNOW would rank for keywords that your customers search for every day.

A plan that gave you tested email scripts that you could send to influential bloggers and journalists…

…scripts that made them WANT to share your site with their readers.

That’d be pretty great, right?

Well with the right system in place, it’s possible.

Before I get into that, I want to answer the question that’s probably rattling around in your head right now:

“How did you figure all this out, Brian?”

Join SEO That Works 4.0, give me 8 weeks, and I’ll show you how to quickly get more traffic, generate more leads and sales, (and most important of all) significantly boost your revenue.

I recently updated the entire program for 2020 (including lots of new strategies that are working GREAT right now).

Here’s how it works:

Every week you’ll get access to new video training sessions that come with step-by-step instructions that show you EXACTLY how to execute the material. Each lesson comes with additional training material like worksheets, field reports, and tutorials.

The best part? Whether you’re new to SEO or a veteran, you’ll get access to my proven SEO blueprint so that you can quickly grow your online business.

Plus, the SEO That Works system has been field tested by over 4,000 SEO That Works graduates. That way you don’t have to wonder whether or not the system works. You just have to find out whether or not STW is right for you.

Read on to answer the question: “Is SEO That Works right for me?”.

Get SEO That Works 4.0 (2020) or the other courses from the same one of these categories: , , , for free on Cloud Download.

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