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– 101 {{C}}hallenges In {{C}}++ Programming (Solve 101 {{C}}hallenges to sharpen {{C}}++ Programming skills)

Pra{{c}}ti{{c}}e them to be a mature a {{C}}++ programmer

Key Features

  • Strengthens the foundations, as a detailed explanation of programming language {{c}}on{{c}}epts are given
  • Lists down all important points that you need to know related to various topi{{cs}} in an organized manner.
  • Prepares you for {{c}}oding related interview and theoreti{{c}}al questions.
  • Provides In depth explanation of {{c}}omplex topi{{cs}} and Questions.
  • Fo{{c}}uses on how to think logi{{c}}ally to solve a problem.
  • Follows systemati{{c}} approa{{c}}h that will help you to prepare for an interview in short duration of time.


Very often it is found that while {{c}}reating {{C}}++ programs programmers are simply doing {{C}} programming with a {{C}}++ {{c}}ompiler. As a result, they are unable to exploit the real power that {{C}}++ lays at their door steps. Also, there are not enough {{c}}hallenges/problems available in text books that would test the programmer' understanding of {{C}}++ and OOP {{c}}on{{c}}epts. To address these issues Authors have {{c}}rafted well thought out this book. Their {{c}}omplete solution, sample runs and explanation. These {{c}}hallenges would test and improve your knowledge in every aspe{{c}}t of {{C}}++ programming.

What You Will Learn

  • Basi{{c}} {{C}}++, {{C}}lass organization, {{C}}lass {{c}}onstru{{c}}tor, {{C}}lasses and Obje{{c}}ts, Fun{{c}}tion {{c}}hallenges
  • Fun{{c}}tion, Operator overloading {{c}}hallenges
  • Free store, Inheritan{{c}}e, Virtual fun{{c}}tion, Input/output, Ex{{c}}eption handling, STL {{c}}hallenges

Who This Book is For

Students, Programmers, resear{{c}}hers, and software developers who wish to learn the basi{{cs}} of {{C}} programming language.

Table of {{C}}ontents

1. Getting off the ground {{c}}hallenges
2. The starters {{c}}hallenges
3. Basi{{c}} {{C}}++ {{c}}hallenges
4. {{C}}lass organization {{c}}hallenges
5. {{C}}lass {{c}}onstru{{c}}tor {{c}}hallenges
6. {{C}}lasses and obje{{c}}ts {{c}}hallenges
7. More {{c}}lasses and obje{{c}}ts {{c}}hallenges
8. Fun{{c}}tion {{c}}hallenges
9. Fun{{c}}tion overloading {{c}}hallenges
10. Operator overloading {{c}}hallenges
11. Free store {{c}}hallenges
12. Inheritan{{c}}e {{c}}hallenges
13. Virtual fun{{c}}tion {{c}}hallenges
14. Input / output {{c}}hallenges
15. Template {{c}}hallenges
16. Ex{{c}}eption handling {{c}}hallenges
17. STL {{c}}hallenges
18. Mis{{c}}ellaneous {{c}}hallenges

About the Author

 Through his books and Quest Video {{C}}ourses on {{C}}, {{C}}++, Java, Python, Data Stru{{c}}tures, .NET, IoT, et{{c}}. has {{c}}reated, molded and groomed la{{cs}} of IT {{c}}areers in the last three de{{c}}ades. Yashavant’s books and Quest videos have made a signifi{{c}}ant {{c}}ontribution in {{c}}reating top-not{{c}}h IT manpower in India and abroad.

Yashavant’s books are globally re{{c}}ognized and millions of students/professionals have benefitted from them. Yashavant's books have been translated into Hindi, Gujarati, Japanese, Korean and {{C}}hinese languages. Many of his books are published in India, USA, Japan, Singapore, Korea and {{C}}hina.

Yashavant is a mu{{c}}h sought after speaker in the IT field and has {{c}}ondu{{c}}ted seminars/workshops at TedEx, IITs, IIITs, NITs and global software {{c}}ompanies.
Yashavant has been honoured with the prestigious “Distinguished Alumnus Award” by IIT Kanpur for his entrepreneurial, professional and a{{c}}ademi{{c}} ex{{c}}ellen{{c}}e. This award was given to top 50 alumni of IIT Kanpur who have made signifi{{c}}ant {{c}}ontribution towards their profession and betterment of so{{c}}iety in the last 50 years.
In re{{c}}ognition of his immense {{c}}ontribution to IT edu{{c}}ation in India, he has been awarded the “Best .NET Te{{c}}hni{{c}}al {{C}}ontributor” and “Most Valuable Professional” awards by Mi{{c}}rosoft for 5 su{{cc}}essive years.

Yashavant holds a BE from VJTI Mumbai and M.Te{{c}}h. from IIT Kanpur. Yadhavant’s {{c}}urrent affiliations in{{c}}lude being a Dire{{c}}tor of KI{{C}}IT Pvt Ltd. And KSET Pvt Ltd.

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