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– 2X Your AOV Virtual Workshop

After you watch these recordings, that amount can jump to DOUBLE what it is right now.

That means you’re getting 200% more revenue from every new customer sale, immediately. 

That sounds like a ridiculous promise, I know. 

But, it’ll happen for you thanks to a simple mathematical formula I’ll tell you about in just a minute… which is already inside your marketing funnel. 

And it doesn’t matter the funnel model or software you’re using, this will work for you. 

And it takes just minutes to use, and less than 48 hours to start multiplying the revenue you're collecting at every new buyer transaction.

I’ll introduce you to this mathematical formula in just a moment.  

For now, I want you to understand... 

What This Can Mean For You...

If new customers are spending $25 with you today, after our time together every new customer could be spending $50 or more with you. 

If new customers are spending $50 with you today, after our time together every new customer could be spending $100 or more with you. 

Think about what this can do for your business and your ability to grow.

When you’re collecting double the amount of money from every new customer sale...

Marketing & Growing Your Business Becomes Easy & Fun!

Why? Because, when every new customer sale gives you that much more revenue...

  • You find driving a lot of website traffic straightforward and almost effortless... because you’re making back so much more from your advertising!
  • You have your pick of all the best traffic sources for new buyers... cause you have the extra cash flow to pay for it!
  • You no longer feel stressed about spending money on paid traffic... because you’re collecting double the revenue at each new buyer sale!
  • You're tapping into traffic sources your competition can’t... because your new customers spend far more with you than with your competitors!
  • You see your customer list grow daily… because you can afford to pay premium prices to generate all those new customers!
  • And most importantly… you’re seeing much more profit from every new customer transaction!

And not only that...

When you’re bringing in so much more revenue from every new buyer sale… 

You Never Worry About The Increasing Cost Of Paid Traffic...

Because every click, every visitor, every lead, and every buyer you’re getting is worth so much more to your business than what it costs you.

It’s a beautiful thing when you experience it firsthand.

And if you give me a few more minutes of your time, you’ll understand how it can happen for you after just one afternoon with me. 

You Get A Heck Of A Lot More New Customers!

Again, the most successful online entrepreneurs know this…

They know the game of customer generation is won or lost by one thing: the average amount of money collected from new customer transactions. 

So, the most successful entrepreneurs focus their marketing efforts on generating more and more money from every transaction.

But, ordinary entrepreneurs and marketers don’t understand this…

They mistakenly think the game of customer generation is won or lost by sales conversion rate. 

So average entrepreneurs focus their marketing efforts on trying to convert more prospects into buyers. 

Yet, they don’t realize… 

No matter how high their conversion rate may get, without enough money coming in from each new customer transaction… they can still be stuck with an unprofitable, unscalable campaign.

Why is this?

Simple. Because… 

You Can NOT Deposit Sales Conversion Rate! 

The sales conversion rate doesn’t determine how much money gets deposited in your bank account when you generate a sale. 

No. Sales conversion rate is just a performance metric; it’s just a number which shows how well your marketing/sales page is producing a sale. 

The sales conversion rate doesn’t tell you whether you have a profitable, scalable campaign. Nor can it (alone) give you one; no matter how high your sales conversion rate goes.

You can have a sales conversion rate of 10% and still be losing money.

Yet, you can have a sales conversion rate of 1% and be profiting like crazy.


Because sales conversion rate isn’t what matters; the only thing that matters is how much money new customers spend with you compared to how much it costs you to generate those new customers. 

And, while the cost of traffic is mostly out of your control and determined by supply and demand, increasing the money new buyers spend with you is fully within your control. 

This is why savvy entrepreneurs and marketers know… getting more and more sales, driving more and more traffic, and growing a monster list of more and more customers comes from... 

Multiplying The Money New Buyers Spend With You! 

This is what’s called increasing Average Order Value or AOV.

And I want to show you not just how to increase AOV, but how to DOUBLE it!

And I’ll show you how to do it with a simple mathematical formula I call...

And much more...

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