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"Micro Cap Investor"

Showing 1-10 of 10 items.

Richard Imperiale – The Micro Cap Investor Strategies For Making Big Returns In Small Companies

Richard Imperiale - The Micro Cap Investor Strategies for Making Big Returns in Small CompaniesDescriptionThe Micro Cap InvestorLearn how today's smartest investors are discovering opportunities--and reaping profits--ahead of the Wall Street prosMicro cap stocks are all...

Richard Imperiale – The MicroCap Investor

Richard Imperiale – The MicroCap Investor Size: 4 MBProduct DescriptionRichard Imperiale – The MicroCap InvestorThe Micro Cap InvestorLearn how today’s smartest investors are discovering opportunities–and reaping profits–ahead of the Wall Street prosMicro cap stocks are all...

Richard Brandt – Capital Instincts. Life As A Entrepreneur, Financier And Athelete

Richard Brandt – Capital Instincts. Life as a Entrepreneur, Financier and AtheleteProduct DescriptionAn insider’s view of the investment banking world from someone who is actually shaping itPowerful, controversial and determined, Thomas Weisel is known for his...

SimplerTrading & John Carter & Henry Gambell & Brent Kochuba – Options Flow Secrets (Elite)

SimplerTrading – Options Flow Secrets (Elite) by John Carter & Henry Gambell & Brent Kochuba How to Get a Whole New Edge with SpotGamma Most traders are dead wrong about what really drives the market. The...

Oren Fuerst – From Concept to Wall Street

Oren Fuerst – From Concept to Wall StreetFrom the Back Cover"From Concept to Wall Street" is the definitive guide to the new realities of venture capital. Two leading experts in venture-backed entrepreneurship offer start-to-finish coverage of...

Philip J.McDonnell – Optimal Portfolio Modeling

Optimal Portfolio Modeling is an easily accessible introduction to portfolio modeling for those who prefer an intuitive approach to this discipline. While early chapters provide engaging insights on the statistical properties of markets, this book quickly moves...

Jeff Augen – Trading Options At Expiration-Strategies And Models For Winning The Endgame

Trading Options at Expiration-Strategies and Models for Winning the Endgame Equity and index options expire on the third Friday of each month. As that moment approaches, unusual market forces create option price distortions, rarely understood by...

Tai Lopez – The Accelerator Money Program

Tai Lopez – The Accelerator Money Program WHAT I GET RIGHT NOW The Accelerator Program Application: This application will get you a one-on-one call with one of our top consultants who work with some of Tai's...

Machine Trading – Deploying Computer Algorithms To Conquer The Markets

Machine Trading - Deploying Computer Algorithms to Conquer the MarketsDive into algo trading with step-by-step tutorials and expert insightMachine Trading is a practical guide to building your algorithmic trading business. Written by a recognized trader with...

Richard R.Lindsey – How I Became A Quant

Richard R.Lindsey - How I Became a QuantDescriptionPraise for How I Became a Quant"Led by two top-notch quants, Richard R. Lindsey and Barry Schachter, How I Became a Quant details the quirky world of quantitative analysis...