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Mindvalley – 12 Dimensions of Mastery

This Is How We Structured The Lifebook Challenge So You Get Fast, Lasting Results In The Shortest Time Possible

In The Lifebook Challenge – 12 Dimensions Of Mastery, one of our main objectives is to help you figure out your own, personal ideal life vision – complete with goals and values in all 12 categories of your life – so you can start realizing that vision, step-by-step.

For this, will be dedicating two days per category to forge a life vision that's uniquely yours. A single, clear, and compelling life vision that is based on your values and standards. So you can start living a life that's authentically yours. Here's how the course is structured to deliver this:

  • Foundation: What Is An Extraordinary Life? (Two days, from January 10th – 11th)
    • The first thing we do is explore what an extraordinary life means. Well, ask questions like What does having it all mean? and Is it possible for you? and come up with a strong WHY for creating an extraordinary life.
  • Category 1: Health & Fitness (Two days, from January 12th to 13th)
    • There's a lot of noise out there in this category – and much of it is contradictory information that can make it difficult for you to navigate. Well, identify and present the right strategies that can help you achieve your ideal body in the shortest time possible.
  • Category 2: Intellectual Life (Two days, from January 14th to 15th)
    • Your intellectual life consists of two parts – input and output. The input is the information that's coming into your head. The output is the thinking and processing you do to come up with a decision. Well, learn more about how our intellect works and then explore ways to nourish it.
  • Category 3: Emotional Life(Two days, from January 16th to 17th)
    • If you want a great life, you have to experience quality emotions on an ongoing basis. One of the big concepts you'll learn here is that we can exercise a tremendous amount of consciousness and control over our emotions. The trick is to find the recipe for every emotion you'll experience in your life and set goals for those emotions that you want to consistently experience in your life.
  • Category 4: Character (Two days, from January 18th to 19th)
    • Well, look at setting goals for your character – setting goals for self-discipline, goals for staying true to your word, goals for overcoming procrastination, and so on. Well literally have you choose the character you want to bring into your life.
  • Category 5: Spirituality (Two days, from January 20th to 21st)
    • Almost all of what we believe about spirituality comes from what we were told as a kid, by our parents, our church or religious institution, or by any other member of our family. But this may not necessarily describe your unique truth. And so in the Lifebook Challenge, we take a deep look at your own beliefs and document them. This will definitely be an eye-opening experience.
  • Category 6: Love Relationship (Two days, from January 22nd to 23rd)
    • If you’re married, you will shift gears and move towards a fantastic marriage, not a mediocre one. A passionate, loving relationship – a great sex life – with mutual respect and admiration. If you’re single, you will have a strategy to attract your soul mate.
  • Category 7: Parenting (Two days, from January 24th to 25th)
    • Raising a child is one of the richest, deepest experiences life has to offer. Here, you'll examine your deepest beliefs about what defines a good parent. You'll reflect on who your children are as individuals, and how you can help them better succeed – both in the short term and long term. Y Youll defines the kind of relationship you want to have with your children, and you'll create a clear strategy that will make that relationship blossom. And perhaps most importantly, you'll realize what an incredibly important example you set by the way you live in every category of your life.
  • Category 8: Social Life (Two days, from January 26th to 27th)
    • Here, well do a deep dive into your social life – and this is an essential part of your life, way more important than most people realize. So well be exploring some profound principles and life-changing content that will reveal just how high the stakes are in this category – and then well share some powerful strategies for taking your social life to the next level.
  • Category 9: Finances (Two days, from January 28th to 29th)
    • Here we're going to focus on true financial abundance. The financial advice and guidance well deliver will be worth much more than the cost of this program. If you apply the resources available to you and implement the strategies well share with you, you will create a quantifiable surge in your life. But we're going to give you something even more valuable than that. Because you can learn financial strategies just about anywhere. Were going to help you bring an immense amount of consciousness to this category, by sharing a unique and powerful perspective that will give you a much deeper understanding of the role money plays in your life. Infinitely more control of your financial world. And a sure-fire formula for creating financial abundance that will work. That's a big promise – and we will deliver.
  • Category 10: Career (Two days, from January 30th to 31st)
    • When it comes to careers, we have a wider range of choices than ever before in human history. There are hundreds of professions that didn't even exist a few years ago. So what's the result of all this wonderful opportunity? Information overload. Many of us are just overwhelmed. There are too many choices. It's bewildering and confusing. With all the possibilities – how do we choose? In this category of the Lifebook Challenge, you'll learn the three pillars upon which a successful, fulfilling career is based, and discover the strategies you need to take your career to a higher level (and make more money in the process!)
  • Category 11: Quality of Life (Two days, from February 1st to 2nd)
    • This category is about your happiness and fulfillment – it's about living joyfully and fully every day and living a life of abundance. Having leisure time to enjoy with loved ones. It's about having fun, having great stuff, and having good times. It's about enjoying yourself! This is where you define the lifestyle you want to live. If you're a car person this is where your cars live. If you're a boat person, this is where you create and manifest that vision. This is where your dream house lives. It's where exotic travel, helicopter rides, and white sand beaches live. This is where all the material rewards for doing all this work can be found.
  • Category 12: Life Vision (Two days, from February 3rd to 4th)
    • Your Life Vision – this is where all the thinking you've done so far will really start to come together. It's here that you'll realize that the Lifebook Challenge isn't about 12 things – it's about one thing. you. Well, focus on the most important single aspect of the Lifebook program – a singular, compelling vision for the person you want to become and the life you want to live.

Integration: Goal Setting (Two days, from February 5th to 6th)

So far, you've clarified what you want out of life. And in this part of the Lifebook Challenge, well look into the causes you need to put in motion to create the effect you're after. And well develop a plan that outlines exactly what it will take to achieve your vision.

Integration: Taking Action (Two days, from February 7th to 8th)

This part of the Lifebook Challenge is simple but powerful. Well take a look at one of the most important goals in your life and take one powerful action toward the accomplishment of that goal. Preferably – a big, bold, powerful action that will really surge your goal forward. The main objective is for you to feel your life move in the direction you want it to – and action is the active ingredient!


The Mindvalley curriculum is designed to unleash the fullest potential of your mind, body, and spirit. It’s about being a rockstar at work. Having a healthy, youthful, energetic body. Experiencing unbreakable joy, love, and fulfillment. Connecting deeply with the people and communities around you. And contributing your unique gifts to the planet.

But beyond the tangible, there’s also something else going on beneath Mindvalley’s surface…

A sense of fun, joy, friendship, and authenticity. Some have come to call this the ‘Mindvalley Effect’ – and we’d like to think it’s a big reason why many of the world’s greatest teachers, from Ken Wilber to Robin Sharma to Neale Donald Walsch, choose to publish their work on our learning platforms.

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