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Jay Abraham – Referral Mastery

What You Get:

“Referral Mastery” refers to the science of commanding and controlling an unimaginable swath of powerhouse recommenders, endorsers, fans, champions, advocates, and business benefactors – both within and far and widely’ outside your current business scope.

My “Referral Mastery” home study program will provide you with exact/precise/painstakingly-detailed instructions on how to implement, engineer, and sustain monster-successful referral-generating systems.

PLUS, I’ll show you how to possibly double the profitability (and lifetime value) of every new client you generate from these methods.

I’ll walk you through the exact:

  • Execution nuances
  • ​Sourcing instructions
  • ​Verbal scripts to follow
  • Role-playing
  • We’re talking about dozens upon dozens of low-cost, No-Cost, high-performing, proprietary, blockbuster referral-generating strategies NOBODY else even knows about. Nobody!
  • We’re talking about me explaining the psychology of becoming a referral-dominant preeminent business from a vantage point – and with such precision – that no one else could come close to your referral power – IF you do what I have laid out in this course!
  • ​We’re talking about me explaining a methodology guaranteed to bring you more prominent buyers, better buyers, more profitable buyers, no-cost buyers, more consistent buyers, more loyal buyers, and more referring buyers – each-and-every month – from NOW on.

FIRST SESSION, I dive into the psychology/mindset/communication and cultural shifts in thinking, focus, and action that will transform you and your team into a masterful, referral-generating based enterprise.

SESSIONS TWO and THREE, you will receive access to six (6!) solid, non-stop hours of totally newfound, unshared strategies, complete with tactical approaches, examples, situational scenarios, role-playing, and deep consequential discussion.

We’re talking 200+ referrals generating fresh new ideas and approaches that just one attendee alone gained, ideas that FEW (IF ANY!) OF YOUR COMPETITORS would think of doing.

Then, in SESSION FOUR, I put it all together and show you exactly / precisely – how to choose which application models to run with first and second (layering them criss-cross like the cross-woven Kevlar sheeting in bulletproof vests).

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